About Nature Science Foundation

Nature Science Foundation

Our goal at Nature Science Foundation was to improve the social, cultural, economic, and educational standing of urban, rural, and tribal communities in order to safeguard the environment and improve their quality of life.

During the inspection operations, we will identify the risks and opportunities and take preventative measures to reduce the risks. We'll recognize client needs and employ enhanced procedures to consistently meet them. The company's policies, which address impartiality, integrity, and secrecy in all contexts, bind each employee. All workers involved in the inspection process, including top management, will conduct inspections impartially.

The inspection body will be in charge of ensuring the objectivity of its inspection operations and will not permit financial, commercial, or other pressures to taint objectivity.

We shall adhere to the checklist, regulations, and nationally and internationally recognized audit methods. We will also periodically upgrade the same.


To employ scientists, engineers, technologists, and social workers to fight for the just causes of environmental preservation and conservation around the world in order to preserve the planet's greenery for coming generations.


Using both conventional and contemporary technologies for agriculture, energy, health, and environmental sustainability in order to preserve the natural world.

  • to disseminate the conventional wisdom of biodiversity conservation and restoration initiatives while considering climate change, global warming, and unforeseen environmental illnesses.
  • to carry out audits on waste management, energy, the environment, and sustainability at public, private, and academic organizations in order to recreate for the stakeholders a pollution-free environment.