About International Journal of Nature Science (IJNS)


We members of Natural Science Foundation, in order to perfectly perform judiciously in the field of Natural Sciences, particularly utility of resources, void the destruction of natural resources, to create awareness in the society on impact of over exploitation of resources, remedial measures to the ill-effects of anthropogenic activities, disseminate the functional protocols/methodologies among the intercontinental human resources and native researchers, academicians and explorers besides public domain, attempts to achieve impartialities and to promote the welfare of all living organisms and physical components of the universe do proclaim and ascertain this unique deed for the ”International Journal of Nature Science”. We generate appreciable quality educational resources that sustain to educate the budding individuals, educators, researchers and policy makers of the Nation.

Vision and Mission:

  • We primarily value the research community and we strive for a bright future where researches are motivated to join their hands, to make powerful with the available resources and services they required to do so without any barriers that obstruct in their exploration.
  • We aspire to enhance the impact of scientific research through frankness and international collaboration as we sincerely believe that science persists best when research is accessible by all.
  • Journal is committed to provide a common platform to the readers, authors, editors, and peer-viewed to promote scientific research.
  • Journal aims for rapid publishing, accessibility, and affordability.
  • Journal is also committed to index all published articles in top indexing media of the world.

Journal features:

  • Publish all scientific and technical scholarly articles to accelerate progress in all branches of science and offer unrestricted access to researchers and academicians
  • Advocate, open access to ensure free, timely and speedy availability of research articles
  • Create awareness and opportunities in research and development through collaboration with foreign institutes, government and the wider community.
  • Open access, double blind reviewed quarterly e-journal
  • Paperless publication, everything is on digital
  • Encourages only authentic and quality research findings
  • Quick and easy publication process besides rapid response to author’s queries