P. Ponmurugan
Department of Biotechnology, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology,
Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail : drponmurugan@gmail.com
Department of Biotechnology, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology,
Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail : drponmurugan@gmail.com
Following the collection of 257 soil samples, 123 strains of silicon solubilizing bacteria (SSB) were identified by the use of silicon basal media. These strains were then refined, screened, and their antifungal activity was assessed. Of them, 24 isolates grew quickly, 48 slowly, and the remaining 51 strains could only develop slowly to moderately. Physiological, biochemical, and morphological characteristics identified Bacillus nucilaginosus as the parent organism of all isolated cultures. Additionally, the SSB01 strain was chosen based on its in vitro performance when tested for antagonistic potential against root pathogens like Poria hypolateritia and Fomes noxius, leaf pathogens like Pestalotiopsis theae and Cercosporella theae, and tea stem pathogens like Phomopsis theae and Tunstallia aculeata. The growth pattern, mycelial coloration, exopolysaccharide synthesis, and diffusible pigment of Bacillus nucilaginosus were all observed and recorded. The enzymes lipase, chitinase, gelatinase, cellulase, and amylase, which are helpful in eliminating tea pathogens in vivo, were produced by each isolate.
Numerous microorganisms can be found in tea soil, and the majority of them are good for plant growth (Baby et al., 2002). Silicon solubilizing bacteria (SSB) are a significant group of soil microorganisms that produce a wide range of secondary metabolites, many of which have antibacterial or antifungal characteristics (Al-Falih, 2003). Finding a productive soil bacterium that could dissolve silicate could allow other vital nutrients to be released into the soil (Muralikannan, 1996). One of the key mechanisms for the biological inhibition of several phytopathogens is induced systemic resistance (ISR) by SSB (Sommer et al., 2006; Sacala, 2009). Vijayapriya and Muthukkaruppan (2010) investigated the effectiveness of SSB in enhancing the ISR of rice plants against Pyricularia oryzae, the most devastating phytopathogen in terms of biotechnological application on plant growth and biocontrol activities.
Fungicides are mostly used to combat tea illnesses. A few tea diseases have been shown to be effectively controlled by soaking the soil with systemic fungicides (Ponmurugan and Baby, 2005; Chandramouli and Baby, 2002). Fungicide-soaked soil has a negative impact on helpful microorganisms. Chemical control is also costly and unpredictable. An effective substitute for treatment of stem and root problems is biological control. Tested against a range of tea illnesses, the antagonistic microorganisms, namely bacterial (Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp.) and fungal (Trichoderma and Gliocladium spp.) were found to be effective (Chandramouli and Baby, 2002; Premkumar and Baby, 2005; Ponmurugan and Baby, 2005). Similar to this, antagonistic microorganisms such as actinomycetes (Streptomyces spp.) secrete chemicals that regulate growth and antibiotics, respectively, which help to arrest the growth of pathogens and improve plant metabolism.
The majority of B. nucilaginosus strains identified in this investigation were demonstrated to be potential antagonists against tea pathogens, indicating that the synthesis of secondary metabolites may be able to regulate tea pathogens. After creating the carrier-based bioformulation, field tests should be started to verify the strains' effectiveness against tea illnesses in vivo.
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